Just Breathe

Just Breathe
The holidays are here, Dearest and with that, stress often becomes heightened. Because I know you have a kajillion things to do, this week’s Wisdom Wednesday will be brief.
I’ve got you covered.
It’s okay. You can exhale now.
This week, the word Alignment was the highlighted word for the students of The BE You Program twice monthly LIVE.
While not diluting what was shared in our sacred time, The Angels and The Magdalene wish me to share a tidbit with you to help you navigate these glorious yet stress-filled times.
In a nutshell:
When stress hits, do you know that you automatically begin more shallow breathing? It’s true. Pay attention. You will notice your shoulders tighten and get closer to your ears.
You roll your head side to side more often to release the tension.
You’ll find yourself sighing and exhaling more often. This is because your sacred vessel, your body, is screaming for more oxygen. Since you are not complying naturally, exhaling large amounts of oxygen is your body’s way to help it continue and ultimately help you relax.
When you get under this prolonged stress, face-rubbing also often ensues.
Oh, and people all of a sudden become very ‘stupid.’ Of course, they aren’t, but your tolerance is much lower because you are not breathing correctly, and your entire essence is depleted.
Let’s try this together, shall we?
Place your hands over your heart, yes, like right this second.
Inhale slowly to the count of four.
Hold for four counts.
Exhale slowly to the count of four.
While the angels provided this very calming breathing technique when I channeled the guided meditations, unbeknownst to me, it has been used for decades by the US Navy Seals.
This technique has been proven to relax your entire essence and bring you back to your center. Your center is that gorgeous heart of yours. Simply by using this breathing technique consistently, you begin to make grounded decisions vs. decisions made out of reactions or under the guise of putting out a fire.
Your entire body responds.
All four layers of you respond; the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, and the physical.
All four layers relax and slide into the flow of the universe.
Shoulds quickly become Coulds.
The pressure cooker you put yourself in can now become a luxurious detox bath.
You find yourself smiling more and walking with purpose.
Those events you dreaded? Now you are prepared to navigate them with grace and are willing to listen to what others say rather than wishing you were somewhere else.
Remember, B.R.E.A.T.H.E.
Try this technique over the holiday weekend. Let me know how it helped.
Meanwhile, be sure to take advantage of our best sale ever. No code is needed, and if you live in the continental United States, all orders over $50 get shipped to you for free. It's just another way we are helping to de-stress your holidays. Click here: https://angelchatter.com/
Sending you great big breaths of crisp air and lots of hugs,

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