It is SUPERmoon time!

It is SUPERmoon time! - Angel Chatter

If we need more proof that 2019 IS The Breakthrough Year, we only need to look to the heavens for confirmation.

Why is that? We have not one, not two, but three super moons in three consecutive months! A super moon, if you are not aware, is loosely defined when the moon is closer than typical to the Earth which results in her appearing quite large in all her lunar magnificence!

We kick off on January 20 for the Blood Super Moon. This super moon is also in  conjunction with a lunar eclipse; which is the last lunar eclipse until the year 2021. So while this is not as rare as a total solar eclipse, it does offer keen insights and power for those that choose to harness her energy. 

Her? Of course - Luna aka the moon is feminine in all of her watery energy. Auriel, The Lunar Angel, helps to define and brings forth the messages that Luna wishes to share to help all BEcome more empowered. 

The Energetic Impact of Super Moons

On your average full moon, the tides can and often are, higher. More babies are born. More crimes committed. In other words, it is a highly charged time when everything and anything can happen.

Now magnify that energy during the super moon and you have a glimpse or an inkling what can happen. 

This is not the time to make any sudden decisions or certainly not ones from an emotional standpoint - no marriage proposals now please! It is also not an ideal time for contractual work as emotions will run higher than normal and the fine print and details can be overlooked. Relationships may form, but if formed during these times they are often short-lived - here for a reason!

Events may happen, especially with The Blood Moon on January 21, that can churn up anxiety, feelings of lack, etc. Observe those emotions and let go. These are feelings of un-ease and un-worthiness that are deeply settled in the psyche of the mind and while do reflect a deeper belief system, it/they do not reflect the truth of the matter. The truth of the matter being that you can BE who you are without belittling another, without riding the coattails of another and so on. BE you. 

This is the perfect time to think before you act or speak (and I'll repeat this in the next section again to BE sure you read it properly)

This all sounds rather like you wish to stay in bed with the covers pulled up high? Never fear, the Super Blood Moon Eclipse has many benefits and perks...

What this time is great for is clearing. 

Harness the Energy of the Super Blood Moon

You have had ideas inkling in the background. Perhaps a project you have started, then stopped, and started and stopped multiple times. Now is a grand time to look at it from a different perspective and fix what has been bothering you. Time to tweak it. Time to say YES to it and therefore YOU.

Now is the perfect time to de-clutter and clear the energy of your sacred space. I did a blog post on this very topic recently. Click on the link to read more. Remember, this is one of the many services I offer privately, so if you require assistance in your space, please email me.  Why bother to clear the clutter? Bottom line? All stuff holds energy and unless your stuff makes you happy, what kind of vibe do you think is getting put into what ought to be sacred space?

This is the perfect time to end things; relationships included. Yes, that relationship that you are staying in because you think there is nothing better in store for you. That relationship that if you dwell upon it for a nano-second does not boost, support or send love your way. That relationship that has you reliant on them for they are ultimately controlling. Those are not  relationships that serve; Please say YES to you and move on. 

Now is a great time to observe. Yes, observe. Observe your trigger points. What situations put you off kilter?

What emotions arise that push you off balance?

This is the perfect time to think before you act or speak. No flying off the handle since you are BEing forewarned. 

 We're Just Getting Started

As I mentioned earlier in this post, the Super Moon of January is the first of three. The next is on February 19, 2019 (2/19/19) and the last on March 21, 2019 (3/21/19). There is much numerical significance in these dates... 

For example, 219 (thanks to Sacred Scribes interpretation) says it is time to focus. Focus on you, your life purpose and mission... I'm hearing the drum song, aren't you?

The last date, 319 says it is time to step into greater confidence with the assistance of the angels as well as Ascended Masters and own your brilliance. 

Need I say more?

Let's Wrap This Up

We are entering a very high powered, high energy time thanks to multiple Blood Moons. It has the potential to throw you off balance. If it does, allow it to BE so. Then adjust your sails, regroup and sail more easily back to your center. 

You are being forewarned of this impending energy. Energy that has actually already started. Energy that has been amping up for a couple of months on only to explode metaphorically in the first quarter of this year. 

Prepare now by getting rid what doesn't serve you. Prepare now by saying YES to you. IF you need assistance, you know where to find me.



Archangel Auriel's Channeled Mandala
Please use during meditation


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