In order to ALLOW, one must BE...

We've chatted about allowing recently. You know, allowing others to step in to help and not feeling less than by doing so.
How easy is it to allow? Apparently not as as easy as ordering a pizza. Of course it all varies from event or yearning to event and yearning. What I have noticed and have begun to embrace more is the Art of BEing. True, you probably have heard me use this phrase before, but bear with me for a few more moments.
When we are in the moment of BEing, we ARE allowing. How cool is that?!
When we are present in our energy, we allow. When we are in the moment, all is indeed right with the world and we are not pondering on who is going to call, what shoe may or may not drop next. We aren't even wondering what is for dinner! (perhaps I am getting a tad hungry with all these food metaphors...)
I digress.
When we are present; something that meditation can offer us, or yoga or conscious walking (you know, walking and not talking. Walking and allowing self to see the beauty that is being present to us.) It's in these moments our hearts fill. It is in these moments we sigh. It is in these moments we know we are enough.
If we are enough, and of course we are, we are BEing. If we are BEing, and we are, we are allowing. Nothing is forced. It is what it is. We are not judging; we realize all, including self, have foibles. We are stunning, light-filled, full. We are at peace.
What angel to call upon for this? My go to for BEing, is Shamael, wings down. Why? Shamael is the Angel of Harmony. Try this exercise. It's one Shamael had me perform years ago for the first time and I still practice on a somewhat regular basis. It's a bit unorthodox, but the results from a BEing perspective may just blow your mind.
Wash a pot or two with your eyes closed. Yes, you read correctly, eyes closed. Of course once 'completed', double check to make sure you got it all, but for the first stage, eyes closed. Why bother? You have no choice but to be present. You are scrubbing away and feeling the pot. You are feeling the bumps (most likely food that requires removing). You are feeling the smoothness. What a lovely reminder; all have bumps, but once acknowledged all is smooth once more.
It's a minor lesson in gratitude. You've used this pot countless times, have you ever thanked it? Most likely not. As you are scrubbing with your eyes closed, give thanks for all those yummy (or not so yummy) meals it helped you prepare. As you scrub with your eyes closed, what other subtle nuances are you now aware of? I'm betting your breathing slows. I'll even wager you have a little smile growing. I'll even go out on a limb here and say your entire being begins to relax. Everything begins to s.l.o.w. down.
Why? Because you are now BEing. As you settle in this energy, remember what it feels like. Give it a one word label. This little ol' label will help you get there next time; perhaps even without washing a pot.
Let me know how this exercise goes for you. I'm really curious to see if others relax the same way I do.
Remember, even the angels relax a bit now and then by fluffing up their wings and halo, or pot scrubbing...
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