How DOES one move forward?

How DOES one move forward?

HI! I'm back... been a bit AWOL as I've settled in true beach mode and honoring my rejuvenation time. Thank you ALL for wing slapping me and reminding me to tend to me as well. While still at Da Beach, I'm catching up on sleep, painting, writing, editing, and yes sitting on my butt watching the dolphins.

This IS part of the plan of moving forward. 



Obviously one cannot scamper off to a barrier island every time a life shift is looming. While it's a lovely thought, it's not always feasible. So The Gang and you have prompted me to share some signs that a life event is fast approaching and how best to manage it.

Here are some signs that a biggun' is approaching:

  • You are disgruntled about 'it' - 'it' can be defined as a relationship, lifestyle, dietary, etc.
  • You feel angst regarding 'it'
  • You feel anxious regarding 'it'
  • Thinking about 'it' does not bring about warm fuzzies
  • Things are not going according to 'plan' (who's plan is it anyways?)

Those are some of the emotions that 'it' is not in your best interests any longer for you have moved on and are now ready for people, events, food, etc. to be better aligned with your energy. Those energies that support you, nurture you, love you for YOU, not what you can do for them.

However, and this is a BIG however, if left unheeded - meaning one doesn't do anything to acknowledge this inner shift and take action to heal it or move beyond it, 'it' eventually becomes the proverbial pimple at the end of the nose. You are left no recourse except to now attend to 'it'.

Yes, you may go down into the Depths of Your Despair... I have. It's not fun. There is no sugar coating it. Actually it's pretty crappy. You cry. You moan. You feel sorry for yourself. You play the What If Game (what IF I had done/not done 'that' sort of thing). Yep, I've done that too.

During this adventure, you enter the Seven Stages of Grief:

  1. Shock and Denial
  2. Pain and Guilt
  3. Anger and Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Upward Turn
  6. Reconstruction
  7. Acceptance and Hope

If this is new way of thinking for you, it is a time honored system recognized and written about extensively by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book, Death & Dying. Highly recommend as we undergone so many ways of dying. This is where Azrael comes into play. Azrael is universally recognized as the Angel of Death, but that just sounds so morbid. He has asked to be now called, Angel of Transition. I personally find this much more pleasing and acceptable in my mindset. We are always in the flux of transitioning into something. Some just happen to be bigger than others.



I learned YEARS ago that I like, no LOVE easy. Granted I still make things more difficult than they need be at times, but overall, my life events/adventures have become easier for now I am recognizing them quicker - on my time thus leaving me more in control of how to best handle 'it' in the most joy-filled and love-filled way.

All thanks to Azrael and the rest of The Gang.



  • Blake

    Great information. I was just asking my self this the other day on a situation I am going through how can I move forward through this? The angels are always listening for here is the information. Thank you

  • Jean Kingsbury

    Dearest Christine,
    Thank-you ever so much for writing this
    message! I have been in the depths of
    Despair since my Mom passed a year ago
    in May. I am not only grieving my Mom but
    I am attempting to forgive my only sibling.
    I continue to go up and down the ladder.
    I hope I can purchase an Azrael Medallion
    to remind me.
    Many Blessings, Jean

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