Embracing The Peace

This week's installment is rather short and to the point, hope you play along.

As many of you, I'm sure, your holidays aren't going to be spent and shared as you have in the past.

We are no different. As the pandemic continues to blaze its path across the globe and with the light at the end of the tunnel looming, we find we are treasuring the small things more than ever.

Like time spent with loved ones. 

As I write this, I break protocol, by not sitting in my office, and am nestled instead in a chair with the afghan my great-grandmother crocheted, fire is blazing as we watch one of the countless versions of The Christmas Carol, my husband's favorite.

We have withdrawn from all parties and reveling. However we have found great joy in the quiet moments and moments we have shared thus far. We shared our bounty with neighbors; jars of jams, sauces and more my husband has created throughout our quarantine and a dozen or so of a variety of cookies made in recent days. As each neighbor opened their door, they were met with an off-keyed chorus of: 


We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas 


A Happy New Year


Anything longer than that would have them diving for ear plugs!

Why do I share these typically private moments with you?

We Are Preparing For the NEW

It is time to BE seen and heard, no matter how musically inclined you are, or not. It is time for you to discover your gifts, embrace those gifts and then yes SHARE your gifts. Your gifts were never designed to hoard and hide. Your gifts were designed to BE shared with another. It does not matter how many others or not, so don't be a Scrooge. It is time and the time is now.

We are looking forward to the new year like none other in recent history, or at least, our personal history. 

I have prattled on and on and on since the beginning of the pandemic. If you don't recall, take precious time now, right this moment, and sit. 

BE with you. BE with the Universe. BE. 

Ask your guides, all the ascended Masters and of course angels what you could do in the coming months that can fill the hole in your heart to help you fulfill your soul's mission.

Hole in my heart? Each soul's hole is yearning to BE filled. The hole is the very thing you decided you wished to accomplish, experience and more to fulfill your mission. It does not matter the size of the platform or the mission. Each hole's ingredient is filled only by completing and healing at the level of the soul. Until it is filled, emptiness follows you until you have completed it.

Your 'it' will differ from mine and the next and so on. Many 'its' will overlap via collaboration, mentoring, training and more. However, you it is just that.


Sit now and ask 

What would fill my hole?


  • Perhaps it is healing self.
  • Perhaps it is the inner child that wishes LOVE
  • Perhaps it is counseling and mentoring millions
  • Perhaps it is writing a NY Times Best Selling Novel
  • Perhaps it is BEing a parent
  • Perhaps it is serving in public office
  • Perhaps it is ...

Each hole is as varied as each fingerprint. As unique as a snowflake. As beautiful as the soul gazing back at you. 

Sit with Michael for that added protection. Pull out a journal. Title the page with What fills my hole. Write, write and write more. Remember, no dream is too big nor too small. Why? It is your dream and therefore it fills your hole. 

What next?

After you have completed your list of what you would like to experience, then ask, what can I do to experience and/or have it?

Remember, while you have endless support from all, you still must be proactive in its creation.


It's one thing to pine and long for an event to happen, but if you wish to have a NY Times Best Selling novel with your name on it, you must write! You must have it edited. You must help sell it! See? BEing proactive.

Ask your guides whom may assist you. What classes to take. Where to live and more. Each step forward is just that, a step forward. However, you must take those steps.

How does this pertain to Embracing the Peace?

How do you perceive you shall feel once your hole is filled?

I'd take a gander that you will feel peace and dare I say a bit of grace? 

Isn't that worth it? Isn't it worth taking a few moments or an hour of your time to remember? Isn't it worth taking the time off the stress gerbil wheel of life to recollect? 

If you answer anything less than YES, we need to chat asap.

Until then, I wish you magical and peace-filled moments that take away your breath for the BEAUTY and LOVE that is evident. 



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