
Confession ~
I had been getting nudged from The Gang and other sources to let the Roadmap offer go.
'But people LOVE them.'
'It's a steady gig. What will I do next.'
I'm nervous; I LOVE channeling them.
Just wait and see... they said -
I've learned not to argue with my divine team: The Gang, The Magdalene, Poppa, and beyond.
As you know, I have leaned into that guidance and made several announcements. The announcements were made not as a selling plan but to hold myself accountable ten months from now.
Then, I remembered I still needed to do a roadmap for myself!
Off I went to the channel and compiled my own.
Imagine my so-not-surprised face when the cards pulled for January were:
Congratulations (Angel Chatter Oracle Deck)
New Endings (The Empowered Heart Deck)
They wanted to have last word.
That's called taking a Leap and Trusting. This isn't even a big leap, but a beautiful reminder that every single time I let go, I am caught and propelled further up. Higher than I could imagine. I just shared this very thing with a friend. We are all in a magical moment of intense faith. Taking that leap with commitment. Remember, you are not fully committed if even one toenail is still clinging to the wall behind you, trusting that not only will you be caught in the comfort and protection of the angel's wings but lifted higher than you can imagine.
I'm witnessing this in real time in all areas of the world, including my life.
Isn't sitting back and wishing your life away so much safer? I know; I've been there and done that. But isn't it just a wee tad aggravating? Well, of course it is, and durrrr. Are you familiar with the quote for which Einstein is credited:
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
expecting a different result
If you desire a different outcome in your world, you have to leave the comfort of the couch, the obscurity of being behind the scenes, and dare to BE vulnerable.
Look at it this way: if you have desired a specific experiences in your world: lottery winning, romance, better health, prosperity, and more, but have yet to change much in your tactics, how can you possibly experience more in your favor?
You can't. In order to experience different, you have to go about it differently than you have up until now.
It's scary world out there.
Nah. It really isn't but our brains tell us it is best to stay put. Stay put even to the discomfort of your soul because it is tired of doing the same thing over and over again and nothing much changes.
For example I've experienced many lifetimes when I was persecuted, hanged, and even burned. It was woven into my unconscious that it was best to stay silent, not rock the boat, BE the ultimate people pleaser, and take care of everyone else.
Does any of this ring valid for you? I'm sorry if it does. If it does keep reading, please.
Working with The Gang (the angels) and all of the spiritual guides consistently has proven time and again that is is safe to BE me in this life.
Sure, I've had some hiccups; a town out to get me because I spoke to angels, and according to them, only God can do so. Friends getting wigged out by my gifts and dropping me like a hot potato or sucking me dry for free consults and insights and then having the audacity to tell me I'm not that good while in the next sentence asking for more.
Gaslighting anyone?
The ego keeps driving home that it's not worth the effort, the vulnerability, and criticism, and before you know it, you have lived a life somewhat full and yet feeling a but empty.
NOW is the time.
Seriously, now more than ever during this magical portal of universal alignment (and don't ask what is aligned; it just IS), it's time to invest in your dream, go beyond the comfort of what you know, take a line from your future self, and take that leap so you can end this year with a big BIG ol'
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