Ask, ALLOW AND Receive

Ask, ALLOW AND Receive - Angel Chatter

Many of you reading this have at least heard of the Law of Attraction. If you haven't, not to fear. The Law of Attraction simply states that one attracts energetically what one is releasing into the Universe.

Gratitude creates more for which to BE grateful.

Love creates more for which to LOVE.

Fear? Creates more doubt and alas fear. (not capitalizing this word intentionally to keep its vibration lower)

Worthiness creates a vaster funnel that is directed towards you.

And so on. 

Let's Address Worthiness

So many, in fact I'd hazard a guess that the overwhelming majority of the world's universe, have an internal unknown gauge of what they feel worthy in receiving. 

Every single one of us. 

Why is the meter lower than what we actually deserve? This is a great question and one that warrants an answer and honestly could fill a book. There are many factors that come into play in this Meter Game:

  • Can't take time out for myself - have other obligations
  • Can't take time from somebody else to allow help towards me; somebody must need this help more, aka more worthy. (Angels hang their heads in this one and shake it with eyes rolling)
  • What if I really don't deserve it? I might as well keep the bar lower so as not to disappoint myself
  • And so on...

Any of these ring a bell for you?

Allow me to share a story:

A few years back I was vending at a show and it was set up day. My husband wasn't able to assist for this one (a true rarity) and my goddess helpers were gleefully occupied elsewhere for the day. I had six plus hours to set up; therefore, I was in no hurry and was rather enjoying the process.

A young man, a volunteer, offered to help. I of course not really needing it, I declined. 

He stopped.

He smiled. 

He said,

"You are a strong and powerful woman. You can do anything.

Will you allow me to help you?"


Of course I ultimately did. Lesson learned and I joked about it the entire weekend that I allowed this help to not only occur, but BE received via an open heart.

Will you Allow?

Good Girls are often told that they cannot put themselves first. Pashaw. If you don't, at least periodically, how will you ever get to where you desire to go and BE? If you are consistently allowing others to cut in front of you in lines (metaphorical as well as literal) how can you ever 'cash in'?

Of course you will be forever in line, waiting and waiting annnnd waaiiting...

How to Raise Your Worthiness Vibration?

It's rather easy to raise your vibration. In a nutshell, step into GRATITUDE. With a Big Ol' Capital G.

Many of us have had hardships or mishaps or things not going according to plan in our lives. For example, we lived in our beach home for close to five years. While this was a choice, we had much ... in storage. As time went on, we missed certain articles and actually began to pine for them. 

Fast forward, we moved to the New Digs. As the boxes were unloaded from the moving van, I found myself giddily excited to see HER again. You see, we have a 4foot tall  statue of Kwan Yin that I missed beyond words. When she emerged, I cried, yes, literally cried for joy at her re-emergence. As she was wheeled into the backyard the joy that overtook me was palpable. Her place is sacred and every time I see her wave at me from the kitchen, I smile.

This is the kind of joy I'm talking about! Joy at a flower blooming. Just this week I was once again giddy to see the peony bush in bloom! There was one particular bloom that caught my eye; it was literally blooming just off the ground vs being high on a branch. What a perfect message for each one of us; Bloom From The Ground UP! Build up the Joy from the ground. This creates a base that BEcomes so expansive you find joy in the simplest of things:

  • Clean Clothes
  • A warm bed in which to snuggle
  • Vibrant food - no matter from where it hales
  • A sunny day
  • A rainy day
  • Rainbows!

This list is virtually endless for every life is filled with opportunities to embrace JOY and lets it permeate deeply within your psyche. Too often complacency can settle; the blessed TV is on for hours, excuses to not go for a walk because there is too much to do, chores to be attended, and so on. Choose JOY and I can guarantee your Worthiness Meter will rise and rise quickly. 

Here's a tip, when you take out that time to meditate, put you first in various situations, you have ample time for all that needs to be done.


All it Takes is YOU saying YES

Sure, Sure, Sure... this is much easier said than done, this whole saying YES to self. 

I get it.

However, IF you don't start now by saying YES to you, nobody else can for you. 


Doesn't matter how much they offer you, lead you, introduce you and more. If you don't say YES to you, you will miss most, if not all of those blessed opportunities coming your way because you allowed someone else to cut in line in front of you.

Like how I wrapped those up together? 

Now is the time, more than ever to say YES...


Your gratitude rises. It rises so much that even if you have an off day, you don't sink. It rises so even if you have an off day, it is better than a good day from years past. It rises so even you can spot an opportunity a mile away as it floats your way; no more chasing opportunities. They chase you.

Isn't it time?

What Angel Raises Your Joy Vibration?

Jophiel. She is not called the Joy-Filled Angel for nothing!

I have her candle burning brightly near me at this exact moment and her JOY is real. Her JOY is powerful. Her JOY is reminds one to live in the moment. 

When you are this deliriously happy, you don't even give fear or anxiety a second glance. When you are this happy, you know ALL. IS. POSSIBLE. Why? BEcause now, more than ever you BElieve in yourself. You BElieve in your mission. You BElieve you are worthy to live that mission exactly as your heart desires. 

It's that easy. It's that powerful and BElongs to you. 

Will you allow? 

If you still feel squeamish about this whole gratitude thing, I cannot recommend enough Jophiel products; candles, medallions, bracelets, sun drops, misters and droppers.

For now, meditate with her energy via her sacred mandala:

Archangel Jophiel Sacred Mandala


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